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Municipal By-Law Enforcement Department

Sign Permit Application Form


Project Information:

Type of Sign Proposed (check one)

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

The following must be included with the application:

  1. The application fee of $30.00
  2. A neatly drawn site plan referenced to a copy of the survey the must show the dimensions of the lot, location of all buildings and structures, driveways, right of ways,  hydro lines, septic systems, roads, the location of all signs on the property and the location of the proposed sign including the setbacks to property lines.
  3. A plan of the proposed sign showing the size, height, shape, supporting structure or location on the building, type of lighting and an indication of what material the sign is made of.
  4. A dated and signed letter of authorization from the owner of the property if the applicant is not the owner.
  5. If the applicant is unable to comply with By-Law 2022-39, applicant must contact the By-Law Department for futher instructions.

Note: Please allow up to 72 hours for processing

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